What’s in it for me? Part 3

What have I learned so far?

Following my first two posts explaining why (and, almost more importantly, why not) I am involved in leading ONSchool, the proposal for a free school in Oxford, I want to answer a key question that follows from one of my main motivations, to keep learning and challenge myself.

Other people are amazing

Firstly, I have found that I have some amazing friends, talented neighbours and a professional network who have proven essential to the progress we have made. There are so many people to thank, so many acts of kindnesses, big and small. Thank you.

Right time, right place, right idea

I realised, as these people just kept on giving and sharing, that in some ways, the nature of the ONSchool proposal – for a school that is so innovative – has allowed people to give something new of themselves. And boy did they give! I learned that even under pressure of a project far beyond my previous experience, and on a deadline I would never normally subject a team to, it is possible to hold on to core values and an evidence based approach.

I can still surprise myself

I have worked in education, in practice, publishing, and policy. Modesty prevents me from blowing my own trumpet – but there are some things I do well. What I did not know was how the skills, experience and knowledge I have would apply in a role I had never tried before – or been selected for. I put myself into this role, and could have run away at any point. I discovered that my core strengths – to Synthesize good ideas,  harnessing the expertise of cleverer people than me, and to be in touch with the key trends in education – are  transferable and much stronger than I thought they would be.

Be good, Be Honest. It works.

Admit when your wrong, admit what you don’t know. Never forget to say thank you. So far, the ethical approach has worked. I intend to stick with it.

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